Portable Large Folding Top L-23 Set – Display Stand Value Bundle


Portable Large Folding-Top L-23 Display Stand Value Bundle; includes six #1503’s


  • Versatile
  • Strong and lightweight
  • Easily set up
  • Compact for storage

These XL Industries Stands give you a modern, professional look with the utmost in portability and quick set-up. The value bundle includes six large folding-top display stands (#1503).  These stands are designed as a single unit with the top serving as a permanent attachment. Their clean lines and quality construction make them suitable for use in virtually any environment, or occasion. Displays of basket or potted plants are enhanced by their use.

These tops open and close like an umbrella, providing a 13″ diameter surface to hold almost anything heavy. Tripod stands are designed to provide safe, stable footing on any surface.

Additional information

Weight 15 lbs
Dimensions 40 × 10 × 6 in

adjustable heights, dual-usuage, easy set-up, folds compact, lightweight, portable, sturdy, versatile stand



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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia there live the blind texts.